President of AASO

Sékou Ouedraogo, holder of a BAC C (mathematics/physics), former student of the Preparatory school for entrance into the Top scientific french engineering schools (Mathématiques Supérieures/ MathématiquesSpéciales) in Paris, electrical engineer graduated from the great engineering school Polytech’Nantes (France), holder of a Master 2 MISI from the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (ENSMP)/UVSQ (France), holder of a Master 2 in Relations International from the strategics and diplomatics studies Center Paris France (CEDS) and listener of the summer school “Defence & Space” of the Politics studies institute of Bordeaux (Sciences Po Bordeaux).

B) professional skills:
Since 2000, he has worked successively as a control engineer for the ARIANE 5 ESCA launcher at EADS_LV, as a control system engineer for a French fighter jet engine at Hispano Suiza, as a military customer interface for the support of a french fighter jet engine, as an aeronautical programme manager in Research & Technology in an international Group, as a project manager and currently as an aeronautical programme chief manager in an international industrial group in the field of aeronautics, defence and security

C) Other expertises :
  Founding President of the African Aeronautics & Space Organisation (AASO) (

  Président of Area Topic “Energy and Propulsion” of the competitivness cluster “ASTECH Paris région”

  Member of the ACES Worldwide  (Alliance for Collaboration in the Exploration of Space) Worldwide International Advisory Committee

· Author of “L’Agence spatiale africaine, vecteur de développement”, prefaced by the astronaut Jean Loup chrétien, published by l’Harmattan.

· Associate member of the Association of Aeronautics & Space professional journalists (AJPAE), France

· Editorialist for space and aeronautics in the international written, TV and radio media (Voice of America, BBC, Russia Televison, France 24, TV5 Monde, RFI, Die Deutsche Well, Business Africa, Diplomatie magazine, Le Monde, Le Point Afrique, etc…).

· Organiser for Africa, with the French Space Agency (CNES), of the international space start-up contest Actinspace 2020 in Burkina Faso and Nigeria

· Founder of the African Aeronautics & Space Innovation Trophy (ASIT) award

· Cooperations with the French Space Agency (CNES) related to the Africa area

D) Distinctions:
· Recipient of the Gold Medal of “the French Renaissance”

· Knight of the Burkinabe Order of Merit

· Aerospace Festival “Des Étoiles et des Ailes” edition 6-2015:Winner of the Aerospace Book Prize edition 6-2015 for the book “L’Agence Spatiale Africaine, vecteur de Développement” prefaced by astronaut Jean Loup Chrétien